Saturday, June 7, 2008

my best friend committed suicide

i was the very last person to talk to her. i take comfort in the fact that we were talking about spiritual matters, i took comfort in the fact that she had taken GOD into her heart. after she did, i had less fear that she might commit "the deed",before i had the opportunity to collect her to my house,and there would be plenty of time for her ,and support for her to get her affairs in order,without stress or strain.

it didn't work out like that,on may 7th,i mean early may 8th,my best friend died,her mother called me on mother's day to tell me.
i hadn't talked to her for 20 years,but you can know that my children,any body who is around me at all,and at all kinds of situations,i spoke of my best friend,as i am sure she did me
i am eternally grateful that i was there for her at her special time,having been dead more than once,i know it is impossible to,"go before your time",although i would Love to have more time.